Think on Purpose
This podcast is focused on helping leaders learn to lead themselves effectively so they can lead others. Most leaders think they have business and people problems, when they actually have mindset issues! Through interviews and personal reflection, we will untangle socialized and conditioned patterns, and move away from operating on outdated and unquestioned thoughts. We will teach the tools your brain needs in order to think on purpose.
Think on Purpose
Two Types of Challenges
Are you solving the right challenge with the right solution? Many of us—and our teams—are actually facing adaptive challenges, but we are using technical solutions to solve them, resulting in frustration and ineffective teams. Key takeaways:
- Most corporate trainings focus on technical challenges, leaving leaders and teams unprepared to handle adaptive, mindset-based problems.
- Adaptive challenges require personal growth and mindset shifts, not just external tools or processes.
- Leaders can help their teams through adaptive challenges by starting small, asking deeper questions, and providing ongoing reflection and support.
Want more info on living and leading with intention and purpose?
Click here for Jen's links.